
table view of the file in TAD csv viewer

What I'm trying to do

I wanted to use the CORD19 word embeddings csv to map them to certain findings from the rest of the dataset, but as we can see there are no stings in the first column.

The way I know word or sentence embeddings, is what they map a word or a sentence to multiple vectors. The values in the first column look somewhat like hashes, and they are the main problem I can't use the dataset.

Can somebody give me a pointer on what I'm looking at and how to use them?

I have not found documentation, usage examples or submissions on kaggle that have explained or outlined how this file is supposed to be used.


1 Answer 1


So, after a lot of digging, I found something in the comment section.

They are document embeddings.

enter image description here

Relevant Comments from the Kaggle Comment section on the Data Update Log for the CORD19 Dataset:

Examples how to visualize the embeddings in a Jupyter Notebook:

import pandas as pd
from whatlies import Embedding, EmbeddingSet
#Docs: https://rasahq.github.io/whatlies/api/embeddingset/

#transponse dataframe
sample_df = pd.read_csv('data/cord_embeddings_sample.csv', header=None, delimiter=',', index_col=0).T

def to_ems(df):
    ems_dict = {}
    for columnName, columnData in df.iteritems():
        ems_dict.update({str(columnName): Embedding(columnName, columnData)})
    return EmbeddingSet(ems_dict)

ems = to_ems(sample_df.head(10))

enter image description here


enter image description here

You can even do NLP with the jsons from the dataset and link them to the embeddings via the UUID and SHA from metadata.csv.


Find words that relate to smoking and color the respective papers:

I created 2 EmbeddingSets where I filtered the embeddings for papers that have smoking-related words in their text body and subtracted their UUIDs from the list. Both EmbeddingSets can be displayed in the plot.

from whatlies.transformers import Umap

# add 2 embedding sets

emb1 = non_smoking_ems.add_property('set', lambda d: 'non smoking papers')
emb2 = smoking_ems.add_property('set', lambda d: 'smoking papers')

both = emb1.merge(emb2)

#add a clustering transformer that reduces dimensionality (like umap) and visualise them
both.transform(Umap(2)).plot_interactive('umap_0', 'umap_1',color='set', annot=False)

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Have you figured out how to use the embeddings and what to do with it? I assume it's not really relevant what column 2 to 769 represent individually, but how do I use them? Can I compute the similarity or the MeSH classificaiton with this? $\endgroup$
    – Syzygy
    Commented Aug 11, 2020 at 14:27
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I used whatlies by Rasa to visualise them. I added an example. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 12, 2020 at 19:30

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