Info about dataset:
df.shape = (10000, 100)
- All feature are numerical values.
- There are few outliers in each column. The column with the most outliers has 0.7% of data as outliers.
I am trying to improve on my baseline logistic regression; however, I'm stuck.
baseline = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs', max_iter=100, penalty='l2')
Here are some approaches I've taken and relative results:
- Standard scaler - Logistic regression (similar)
- Robust scaler - Logistic regression (simliar)
- Remove outliers (IQR method) - standard scaler - Logistic regression (worse)
- Standard scaler - PCA (n_component=n_comp that explain 83% variance) - Logistic regression (more worse)
All approaches seem to perform worse than the baseline.
How can I improve my baseline logistic regression model or do I need to resort to nonlinear models like random forest (I've already tried it however it overfits)?
Thanks in advance.