This is the same question that I posted on stackoverflow, but I wondered stackexchange would be appropriate for this question.
I would like to convert text data to CoNLL format.
I was born in 1981.
From 12 to 24.
O O O O B-DateTime O
O B-DateTime I-DateTime B-DateTime O
CoNLL(.conll file)
was O
born O
in O
1981 B-DateTime
. O
However, I only found a library for CoNLL-U format(conllu) and a library looked like for CoNLL(pyconll) but no sample code, so I have no idea to apply for it to text-CoNLL conversion.
I'm stacked with how to convert the data to CoNLL and how to write Python3 script to do it.
to parse the string into the CoNLL format? $\endgroup$