I have a model X that takes a review and predict the position of the aspect and the polarity:
input: Serves really good sushi. (review)
output: sushi > Positive (aspect > polarity).
I've seen that this task in the literature has many different ways to be evaluated. Also, some datasets/models include the sentiment words (in our example, 'really good
Anyway, given the above input & output, how can I evaluate my model? on aspect words? on polarity? should I validate that the polarity referred to the correct aspect before counting it as a hit?
sushi > pos
? Do you mean, the polarity of that sentence aboutsushi
? Is that it? $\endgroup$sushi
. In ABSA, the polarity is per Aspect, not per sentence. If you're working on an ASBA task, I'll be more than happy to help. $\endgroup$