
I have a dataframe id, w, x, y1, y2 (two categorical variables, two dependent variables)

  • id is the index which is not particularly informative
  • w, x are categorical variables - w in {0,1}, x in {0,1,2,3}
  • y1 is counts which I calculate rates from
  • y2 is price data which I use for average price

I want to ensure w and x are unrelated - with statistical significance.

I think I should do this by comparing differences in y1, y2 in samples [w=0] to [w=1] for each x

  • d0y1 [from w0x0 and w1x0] and
  • d1y1 [from w0x1 and w1x1] and
  • d2y1 [from w0x2 and w1x2] and
  • d3y1 [from w0x3 and w1x3]

where dn is the difference between group means x in {0,1,2,3} for metric y1


  • is this the correct approach?
  • what's the best statistical test to use?
  • can I generate confidence intervals?

python packages/code to accomplish these would be greatly appreciated


1 Answer 1


You just want to know if 'w' and 'x' are unrelated? You don't need y1 and y2. Just make a contingency table for w and x and perform a Pearson's Chi-squared test.

import pandas as
import scipy.stats as st
chi2, p_value, dof, exptected=st.chi2_contingency(contingency_table)

You don't need confidence intervals, all that matters is the 'p-value', the lower it is more probably is that w and x are related.

You need to put a threshold. In the example above the p-vale gotten was 0.04776571858126222, if my threshold was 0.05(5%) my p-value was lower, so I conclude that w and y are not unrelated with a significance of 5%.

See this for the scipy.stat function: Pearson's chi-squared tests and other similar tests you can use


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