Please, could you advise me the best Python library for the following problem. I have 60 binary input variables and a binary output variable. There are 10 000 – 20 000 training examples. I want to build decision tree to predict output variable. My requirements:
- I can set minimum number of elements in each leave (to avoid overfitting)
- Method should give as “clean” leaves as possible (considering first constraint)
- Method should be as fast as possible (ideally I can specify maximum time and method must give the best result for this time)
I don’t want to use training and test set (all samples are training).
My questions are:
- What is the best Python library for my problem
- According to you experience, how much time does it take to build rather "good" tree in my conditions (processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8650U CPU @ 1.90GHz 2.11 GHz)