I have continuous variables (weather features) with missing values of type MNAR (a different distribution with and without missing values). I learned that these variables should be transformed into categorical by adding a 'missing' category. Filling with mean/median/mode is not an option in this case (although I saw in different projects online that even though there are MNAR values, some still impute them with mean/median, contrary to what I have learned).
For example: Cloud coverage feature with MNAR missing values converted to categorical feature with subcategories of: ['very high', 'high', 'medium', 'low', 'very low', 'missing'] (see image):
I want to check seasonality and trend (time series data) and add those features to the dataset, but when I check it before converting the variables it simply gives me more variables with missing values that lead to the same problem of MNAR.
import statsmodels.api as sm
df.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True)
analysis = df[['cloud_coverage']].dropna().copy()
s = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(analysis, period=30)
df['trend_cloud_coverage'] = s.trend
df['seasonal_cloud_coverage'] = s.seasonal
df['residual_cloud_coverage'] = s.resid
All these 3 new features contain missing values corresponding to the missing values in cloud_coverage feature.
How do I deal with missing values in this case where time series is of importance?
Thank you all for any help.