I would like to cluster multidimensional time series using k-means and Ward's method. My base dataset has 4 columns (features) and each of them is a time series of 288 values. So one "datapoint" has $4*288=1152$ entries (dimensions). I have 100 datapoints that I want to cluster.
Depending on the setup, it might be possible that 1 or 2 of the 4 columns have 0 values for 288 time series values and for all of the 100 datapoints that I want to cluster. Now my question is, if and how these 0-columns affect the results of the clustering with k-means and Ward's method? So let's say that actually one datapoint has only 2 features with 288 values. Does it make a difference if I use $2*288=576$ dimensions for one record compared to using $4*288=1152$ dimensions for one record when out of the 4 dimensions in the big array 2 have 0-values for all entries?