I have a test dataset. The dataset is an imbalanced dataset. The total training instances for the dataset is 543 among them minority class(yes) is 75 and the majority class(No) is 468. The class of interest is minority class(yes). I used the Naive Bayes classifier for prediction. The confusion matrix I got
33 391 77 42
The total instances for No class are 468, The classifier truly predicted 391 instances as negative. However the total negative class that the classifier predict is 391+42 = 433, Those, 42 false negatives are actually positive class but the classifier predict them as negative. Am I right with this explanation?
Secondly, the classifier predicted 33 instances as true positive. However, total prediction of positive class TP+FP = 33+77 = 110. Now these false positive are actually negative class.
So, if I calculate TP+FN I will get 33+42 = 75 which is the total number of positive instances in the test set.
If I calculate TN+FP I will get 391+77 = 468, which is the total number of negative instances in the test set.
Now, the precision is True positive/(True positive + False positive), As I have mentioned earlier False positive is noting but some negative instances, So, my question is what does precision actually mean?
For recall is True positive/(True positive + False negative), As I have mentioned earlier False negative means positive instances. (True positive+Flase negative ) total number of positive instances. Now, what does it mean by True positive/ Total number of positive instances?
Lastly, in the class imbalance problem if the majority class is our class of interest which metric (precision and recall) should we consider?
Thank you.