I want to do a platform-free benchmark for some custom ML models. Calculating the elapsed time during making predictions from certain size data is not suitable since I am constantly using different hardware.
This is more of an algorithm complexity question than a data science question. However, I am unsure if the number of parameters linearly corresponds to FLOPS(Floating Point Operations Per Second) values.
I found an algorithm called
The RAM (Random Access Machine) model of computation: Under the RAM model, we measure the run time of an algorithm by counting up the number of steps it takes on a given problem instance. By assuming that our RAM executes a given number of steps per second, the operation count converts easily to the actual run time.
Can we say the definition of this algorithm is similar to FLOPS or the number of parameters?
Edit: I found a related discussion about FLOPS:
If you read it you will notice there are lots of contradicting answers. Isnt measuring source usage of ML models an important subject? Why there are no standards for this?