I am not a stats/math expert by any stretch of the imagination, but have been trying some linear regression with census data and think I have run across a fundamental problem/obstacle.
The response variable is a percent. The independent variables are percents by state. Here is an example of what I only know to refer to as "partitioned" data. One of the groups of independent variables is "lighting" and has the following variables and values for one city (for example):
electricity - 40%
kerosene - 10%
candle - 25%
generator - 15%
solar - 5%
other - 5%
When added together, those six variables = 100%. There are only six choices and a household can only have one type of "lighting". Using all six of these variables, causes my model to blow up producing coefficients that are off the charts and clearly something is wrong.
Any insight on how to handle or at least still make some use of partitioned data with linear regression? Is there another name for these types of variables?