I am trying to plot 2 distinct colormeshes on the same figure. They are mutually exclusive, so there are no overlaps. This is my code:
sm3 = ScalarMappable (cmap='Blues', norm=Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1))
p3 = ax.pcolormesh ( E_mm_n, E_mm_a, Z_gg, cmap="Blues" , shading="auto")
sm4 = ScalarMappable (cmap='Purples', norm=Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1))
p4 = ax.pcolormesh ( E_mm_n, E_mm_a, Z_gc, cmap="Purples" , shading="auto")
Everytime I make this plot, all I see is the plot defined by p4. I never see the information in p3. How can I make sure both colormeshes are visible? Also, Z_gg and Z_gc are mutually exclusive, so they should be right next to one another, with no overlaps.
With the above code, I see the following figure:
When I comment out the sm4 and p4 lines, i get the following figure:
How can i get both the blue and purple on the same plot? I would appreciate any advice you have for me!