I believe that I implemented MDTW in python here but I don't know if I did it correctly. The results seem intuitive. Can someone look at this code and tell me if you see anything wrong?
A lot of the papers I read on the subject kinda go over my head, but this just takes the mse of all column vectors in matrix s1 and s2 at each time point inside a given window w instead of single dimensional dynamic time warping which just takes the mse error of each value between two vectors and finds the smallest one.
I use panda's Panel, which is essentially a 3D version of a DataFrame.
Also, after I have this, I want to do clustering with some multidimensional time series. Thoughts on which clustering algorithm to run? Kmeans? Hierarchical? I'll start by building a dendrogram at least.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def MDTWDistance(s1, s2, window=10, num_columns=1):
w = max(window, abs(len(s1)-len(s2)))
for i in range(-1,len(s1)):
for j in range(-1,len(s2)):
DTW[(i, j)] = float('inf')
DTW[(-1, -1)] = 0
for i in range(len(s1)):
for j in range(max(0, i-w), min(len(s2), i+w)):
#print "Finding Distance of", s1.loc[i], s2.loc[j]
dist= mdist(s1.loc[i], s2.loc[j], num_columns)
#print "Dist", dist
#print i, j, dist
DTW[(i, j)] = dist + min(DTW[(i-1, j)],DTW[(i, j-1)], DTW[(i-1, j-1)])
return np.sqrt(DTW[len(s1)-1, len(s2)-1])
def mdist(a, b, num_col):
dist = 0
for col in range(num_col):
#print "Finding Distance of", a[col], b[col]
dist = dist + (a[col]-b[col])**2
return dist
timeSeries = pd.Panel({0:pd.DataFrame(np.transpose([ts1, ts2])),
1:pd.DataFrame(np.transpose([ts3, ts4])),
2:pd.DataFrame(np.transpose([ts5, ts6]))
print "0 and 1:",MDTWDistance(timeSeries[0], timeSeries[1],window=10, num_columns=2)
print "0 and 2:",MDTWDistance(timeSeries[0], timeSeries[2],window=10, num_columns=2)
print "1 and 2:",MDTWDistance(timeSeries[1], timeSeries[2],window=10, num_columns=2)
The output is as follow:
0 and 1: 89.354619036
0 and 2: 58.8268328591
1 and 2: 133.434513377
With the graph:
EDIT: I found the distance using an MDTW package in R with the following code:
import rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
# Set up our R namespaces
R = rpy2.robjects.r
DTW = importr('dtw')
# Generate our data
idx = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
template = np.cos(idx)
query = np.sin(idx) + np.array(R.runif(100))/10
for i,j in ([0,1], [0,2], [1,2]):
print "From", i, "to", j, R.dtw(np.transpose(np.array(timeSeries[i])), np.transpose(np.array(timeSeries[j])), keep=True).rx('distance')[0][0]
which output:
From 0 to 1 186.623310713
From 0 to 2 119.769089068
From 1 to 2 272.849560995
So these numbers are about double the distances I have... so I'm not far off, but there's something wrong with what I'm doing. Halp.