For instance, if I wanted a train network that can output
- van
- truck
- sedan
- vehicle
- pedestrian
does it make sense to only train it on van, truck, sedan, and pedestrian and then make "vehicle" a synonym of van, truck, sedan? Or does it make sense to train vehicle as its own class made up of the combined training data of van, truck, sedan?
EDIT ---
Here's a more clear example I think, what if there are labels that are not exclusive? For instance, a child can also be a pedestrian. How do I train a network to output both labels if it, for example, sees a child walking down the street? It seems that using a softmax later as the final layer of the network would not allow this to work as all probabilities need to sum to one, in this case it could be 90% child and 80% pedestrian and that's entirely valid.