When training a LSTM network with time series data, I guess the order in which this data is fed matters, my question is how should this ordering be...
Let's take a time-series vector which will be the input for the LSTM:
\[ X = [x_0, x_{\small(-1\small)}, x_{\small(-2\small)},\ldots, x_{\small(-N\small)}]\]
with negative indexing indicating past values.
Which vector should be fed (theoretical case, not related to any API)?:
- \[ X = [x_0, x_{\small(-1\small)}, x_{\small(-2\small)},\ldots, x_{\small(-N\small)}]\]
- \[ X^r = [x_{\small(-N\small)},\ldots, x_{\small(-2\small)}, x_{\small(-1\small)}, x_0]\]
More precisely, what of these two orderings should be used in TensorFlow LSTM-Cells?