I am working with 3D matrix in Python, for example, given matrix like this with size of 2x3x4:
[[[1 2 1 4]
[3 2 1 1]
[4 3 1 4]]
[[2 1 3 3]
[1 4 2 1]
[3 2 3 3]]]
I have task to find the value of entropy in each row in each dimension matrix. For example, in row 1 of dimension 1 of the matrix above [1,2,1,4]
, the normalized value (as such the total sum is 1) is [0.125, 0.25, 0.125, 0.5]
and the value of entropy is calculated by the formula -sum(i*log(i))
where i is the normalized value. The resulting matrix is a 2x3 matrix where in each dimension there are 3 values of entropy (because there are 3 rows).
Here is the working example of my code using random matrix each time:
from scipy.stats import entropy
import numpy as np
matrix = np.random.randint(low=1,high=5,size=(2,3,4)) #how if size is (200,50,1000)
for i in range(matrix.shape[0]):
normalized = np.array([float(k)/np.sum(j) for j in matrix[i] for k in j]).reshape(matrix.shape[1],matrix.shape[2])
entropy_matrix[i] = np.array([entropy(m) for m in normalized])
My question is how do I scale-up this program to work with very large 3D matrix (for example with size of 200x50x1000) ?
I am using Python in Windows 10 (with Anaconda distribution). Using 3D matrix size of 200x50x1000, I got running time of 290 s on my computer.