I need help reshaping a DataFrame that i got from a csv file.
In this file I have the first column as ID and then 97 columns that represent sale units of 4 products during time.
the data is like
id p1_201501 p1_201502 ...... p1_201812 p2_201501..... p2_2018012 p3_..
x12 125 12 ...... 06 500 ..... 14 2...
nz15 250 16 ...... 600 423 ..... 312 56...
The Id represent the area in which the product is sold. And I have 700 rows (i.e 700 df['id'].nunique() ) And so I need to find the yearly sales trend of a given product. So i thought the solution is to change the dataframe in order to have years as rows and the quantity for each product (p1, p2, p3)
Something like:
id date p1 p2 p3
x12 201501 12 500 32
201502 ....
201503 ....
201812 .....
nz15 201501 .....
201502 .....
201812 .....
But I don't know if it is the right choice to find the saled trend in this case and if so How to change the first dataframe to be like the second I know some about pivot reshape. But I can't find how to do it and how to keep the id (the area in which the product is sold)
Any help please?