I have a dataframe called shoes
Brand Comment
Ugg NaN
Prada NaN
Clarks NaN
Ugg NaN
Clark NaN
Prada Made from horse leather
Prada Made from pig leather
Prada NaN
Ugg Made from Australian cow leather
and another dataframe df_mode which was obtained by taking the mode of the comments for each shoe brand in the shoes dataframe for nonnull values
Brand Comment
Ugg Made from sheep
Prada Made from pig leather
Clarks Made from Cow leather
How can I assign the missing values for each shoe brand in the shoes dataframe with its respective mode response shown in the df_mode dataframe.
This is basically what I'm trying to achieve
Brand Comment
Ugg Made from sheep
Prada Made from pig leather
Clarks Made from Cow leather
Ugg Made from sheep
Clark Made from Cow leather
Prada Made from horse leather
Prada Made from pig leather
Prada Made from pig leather
Ugg Made from Australian cow leather