
I am learning TensorFlow 2.0, whose layer functions are based on Keras. What is the difference between the Concatenate() and concatenate() layers?


2 Answers 2


Keras provides 2 kinds of API i.e. Sequential and Functional. And because of this 2 kind of API, the difference is there in them.

  • Concatenate is used when you are using Sequential API
  • concatenate is used when you are using Functional API

Just look into the following documentation: https://keras.io/layers/merge/


Keras has two basic organizational modes: "Sequential" and "Functional". concatenate is the functional version, and really just wraps the Concatenate layer.

from source: https://github.com/keras-team/keras/blob/master/keras/layers/merge.py#L638

def concatenate(inputs, axis=-1, **kwargs):
    """...snip documentation..."""
    return Concatenate(axis=axis, **kwargs)(inputs)

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