
I'm trying to implement custom object detection by taking a trained YOLOv2 model in Keras, replacing the last layer and retraining just the last layer with new data (~transfer learning). I have annotated a bunch of pictures with bounding boxes using the YOLO annotation, and put them in two separate folders ("images" where the .jpgs reside and "labels" where the .txt annotations are).

My question is, how do I load these annotations to be compatible with the network architecture?

The YOLO annotation means there's a separate .txt file for each image, containing separate lines for every object on the image. The first number denotes the category and 4 more numbers the bounding box.

Eg. pic1.txt may contain:

2 0.501471 0.488281 0.997059 0.068359
2 0.501838 0.673828 0.996324 0.091797

Then pic2.txt again

1 0.501821 0.886291 0.993445 0.044202
2 0.502549 0.937220 0.994902 0.029468

And so on.

Now I've downloaded the YOLOv2 model with trained weights etc. and loaded it in. Removed the las layer and created a new one. Since I only have two categories for objects, I figured I'd need )4 (bounding boxes) + 1 (confidence score) + 2 (categories)) * 5 (anchor/bounding box types) = 35 filters, so I did the following:

yolo_model = load_model("model_data/yolo.h5")

new_layer = Conv2D(35, activation='linear', name='conv2D_23', kernel_size=(1, 1))
inp = yolo_model.input
out = new_layer(yolo_model.layers[-1].output)

model2 = Model(inp, out)

So the model should be okay I think. However, I have trouble with the target variables.

I read these into an array of arrays with np.shape(train_y) returning (79,).

Now when I'm trying to train the model, I do:

history = model2.fit(train_images, train_y)

This, however, returns an error:

ValueError: Error when checking target: expected conv2d_23 to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (79, 1)

I think that's the target values messing things up, but I'm unsure. How could I reformat them to fit? If I flatten it out, I get more than 79 values of course (as one picture may have multiple objects) and I lose which picture had which objects.

As a bonus, I'm including the summary() of my model:

Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
input_1 (InputLayer)            (None, 608, 608, 3)  0                                            
conv2d_1 (Conv2D)               (None, 608, 608, 32) 864         input_1[0][0]                    
batch_normalization_1 (BatchNor (None, 608, 608, 32) 128         conv2d_1[0][0]                   
leaky_re_lu_1 (LeakyReLU)       (None, 608, 608, 32) 0           batch_normalization_1[0][0]      
max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2D)  (None, 304, 304, 32) 0           leaky_re_lu_1[0][0]              
conv2d_2 (Conv2D)               (None, 304, 304, 64) 18432       max_pooling2d_1[0][0]            
batch_normalization_2 (BatchNor (None, 304, 304, 64) 256         conv2d_2[0][0]                   
leaky_re_lu_2 (LeakyReLU)       (None, 304, 304, 64) 0           batch_normalization_2[0][0]      
max_pooling2d_2 (MaxPooling2D)  (None, 152, 152, 64) 0           leaky_re_lu_2[0][0]              
conv2d_3 (Conv2D)               (None, 152, 152, 128 73728       max_pooling2d_2[0][0]            
batch_normalization_3 (BatchNor (None, 152, 152, 128 512         conv2d_3[0][0]                   
leaky_re_lu_3 (LeakyReLU)       (None, 152, 152, 128 0           batch_normalization_3[0][0]      
conv2d_4 (Conv2D)               (None, 152, 152, 64) 8192        leaky_re_lu_3[0][0]              
batch_normalization_4 (BatchNor (None, 152, 152, 64) 256         conv2d_4[0][0]                   
leaky_re_lu_4 (LeakyReLU)       (None, 152, 152, 64) 0           batch_normalization_4[0][0]      
conv2d_5 (Conv2D)               (None, 152, 152, 128 73728       leaky_re_lu_4[0][0]              
batch_normalization_5 (BatchNor (None, 152, 152, 128 512         conv2d_5[0][0]                   
leaky_re_lu_5 (LeakyReLU)       (None, 152, 152, 128 0           batch_normalization_5[0][0]      
max_pooling2d_3 (MaxPooling2D)  (None, 76, 76, 128)  0           leaky_re_lu_5[0][0]              
conv2d_6 (Conv2D)               (None, 76, 76, 256)  294912      max_pooling2d_3[0][0]            
batch_normalization_6 (BatchNor (None, 76, 76, 256)  1024        conv2d_6[0][0]                   
leaky_re_lu_6 (LeakyReLU)       (None, 76, 76, 256)  0           batch_normalization_6[0][0]      
conv2d_7 (Conv2D)               (None, 76, 76, 128)  32768       leaky_re_lu_6[0][0]              
batch_normalization_7 (BatchNor (None, 76, 76, 128)  512         conv2d_7[0][0]                   
leaky_re_lu_7 (LeakyReLU)       (None, 76, 76, 128)  0           batch_normalization_7[0][0]      
conv2d_8 (Conv2D)               (None, 76, 76, 256)  294912      leaky_re_lu_7[0][0]              
batch_normalization_8 (BatchNor (None, 76, 76, 256)  1024        conv2d_8[0][0]                   
leaky_re_lu_8 (LeakyReLU)       (None, 76, 76, 256)  0           batch_normalization_8[0][0]      
max_pooling2d_4 (MaxPooling2D)  (None, 38, 38, 256)  0           leaky_re_lu_8[0][0]              
conv2d_9 (Conv2D)               (None, 38, 38, 512)  1179648     max_pooling2d_4[0][0]            
batch_normalization_9 (BatchNor (None, 38, 38, 512)  2048        conv2d_9[0][0]                   
leaky_re_lu_9 (LeakyReLU)       (None, 38, 38, 512)  0           batch_normalization_9[0][0]      
conv2d_10 (Conv2D)              (None, 38, 38, 256)  131072      leaky_re_lu_9[0][0]              
batch_normalization_10 (BatchNo (None, 38, 38, 256)  1024        conv2d_10[0][0]                  
leaky_re_lu_10 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 38, 38, 256)  0           batch_normalization_10[0][0]     
conv2d_11 (Conv2D)              (None, 38, 38, 512)  1179648     leaky_re_lu_10[0][0]             
batch_normalization_11 (BatchNo (None, 38, 38, 512)  2048        conv2d_11[0][0]                  
leaky_re_lu_11 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 38, 38, 512)  0           batch_normalization_11[0][0]     
conv2d_12 (Conv2D)              (None, 38, 38, 256)  131072      leaky_re_lu_11[0][0]             
batch_normalization_12 (BatchNo (None, 38, 38, 256)  1024        conv2d_12[0][0]                  
leaky_re_lu_12 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 38, 38, 256)  0           batch_normalization_12[0][0]     
conv2d_13 (Conv2D)              (None, 38, 38, 512)  1179648     leaky_re_lu_12[0][0]             
batch_normalization_13 (BatchNo (None, 38, 38, 512)  2048        conv2d_13[0][0]                  
leaky_re_lu_13 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 38, 38, 512)  0           batch_normalization_13[0][0]     
max_pooling2d_5 (MaxPooling2D)  (None, 19, 19, 512)  0           leaky_re_lu_13[0][0]             
conv2d_14 (Conv2D)              (None, 19, 19, 1024) 4718592     max_pooling2d_5[0][0]            
batch_normalization_14 (BatchNo (None, 19, 19, 1024) 4096        conv2d_14[0][0]                  
leaky_re_lu_14 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 19, 19, 1024) 0           batch_normalization_14[0][0]     
conv2d_15 (Conv2D)              (None, 19, 19, 512)  524288      leaky_re_lu_14[0][0]             
batch_normalization_15 (BatchNo (None, 19, 19, 512)  2048        conv2d_15[0][0]                  
leaky_re_lu_15 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 19, 19, 512)  0           batch_normalization_15[0][0]     
conv2d_16 (Conv2D)              (None, 19, 19, 1024) 4718592     leaky_re_lu_15[0][0]             
batch_normalization_16 (BatchNo (None, 19, 19, 1024) 4096        conv2d_16[0][0]                  
leaky_re_lu_16 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 19, 19, 1024) 0           batch_normalization_16[0][0]     
conv2d_17 (Conv2D)              (None, 19, 19, 512)  524288      leaky_re_lu_16[0][0]             
batch_normalization_17 (BatchNo (None, 19, 19, 512)  2048        conv2d_17[0][0]                  
leaky_re_lu_17 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 19, 19, 512)  0           batch_normalization_17[0][0]     
conv2d_18 (Conv2D)              (None, 19, 19, 1024) 4718592     leaky_re_lu_17[0][0]             
batch_normalization_18 (BatchNo (None, 19, 19, 1024) 4096        conv2d_18[0][0]                  
leaky_re_lu_18 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 19, 19, 1024) 0           batch_normalization_18[0][0]     
conv2d_19 (Conv2D)              (None, 19, 19, 1024) 9437184     leaky_re_lu_18[0][0]             
batch_normalization_19 (BatchNo (None, 19, 19, 1024) 4096        conv2d_19[0][0]                  
conv2d_21 (Conv2D)              (None, 38, 38, 64)   32768       leaky_re_lu_13[0][0]             
leaky_re_lu_19 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 19, 19, 1024) 0           batch_normalization_19[0][0]     
batch_normalization_21 (BatchNo (None, 38, 38, 64)   256         conv2d_21[0][0]                  
conv2d_20 (Conv2D)              (None, 19, 19, 1024) 9437184     leaky_re_lu_19[0][0]             
leaky_re_lu_21 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 38, 38, 64)   0           batch_normalization_21[0][0]     
batch_normalization_20 (BatchNo (None, 19, 19, 1024) 4096        conv2d_20[0][0]                  
space_to_depth_x2 (Lambda)      (None, 19, 19, 256)  0           leaky_re_lu_21[0][0]             
leaky_re_lu_20 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 19, 19, 1024) 0           batch_normalization_20[0][0]     
concatenate_1 (Concatenate)     (None, 19, 19, 1280) 0           space_to_depth_x2[0][0]          
conv2d_22 (Conv2D)              (None, 19, 19, 1024) 11796480    concatenate_1[0][0]              
batch_normalization_22 (BatchNo (None, 19, 19, 1024) 4096        conv2d_22[0][0]                  
leaky_re_lu_22 (LeakyReLU)      (None, 19, 19, 1024) 0           batch_normalization_22[0][0]     
conv2D_23 (Conv2D)              (None, 19, 19, 35)   35875       leaky_re_lu_22[0][0]             
Total params: 50,583,811
Trainable params: 35,875
Non-trainable params: 50,547,936
  • $\begingroup$ Any updates on this problem? $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 26, 2019 at 14:34

1 Answer 1


I made two mistakes.

First of all, I was appending my data to a list, and ended up with a shape of (79,) as lists within an array can have different lengths and even though they didn't in this case, I still ended up with a shape of (79,) and that was not what the NN was expecting.

Second of all, the input for the YOLO algorithm splits the image into a grid and requires having the center point of a bounding box tied to a specific grid cell. Ergo the input has to be of (sample_size, grid_cell_size, grid_cell_size, filter_num) so basically you have to have a function that transforms your bounding boxes into this format.

  • $\begingroup$ @TwinPenguins This is what I found! $\endgroup$
    – lte__
    Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 8:47

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