I want to apply Deep Q Learning to a problem, which has a clear finite horizon definition, like:
$$V(s) = \mathbb{E}[r_1 + r_2]$$
Since the horizon is finite, I do not use reward discounting. My action spaces at the time steps 1 and 2 do change and also the policies are therefore clearly not stationary as well. But the state and reward transitions are deterministic as: $r_i(s_i,a_i)$ and $s_{i+1}(s_i,a_i)$. The state space is also very large, so tabular methods are out of question. So the value function can be defined as:
$$V(s) = \sum_{a_1}\sum_{a_2}\left(r_1 + r_2\right)\pi_1(a_1|s_1=s)\pi_2(a_2|s_2(s_1=s,a_1))$$
since the only randomness comes from the policy distributions. (I dropped the reward functions' depedency on the states and actions for clarity). My question is, would Deep Q Learning work for such a finite horizon case? I plan to use two separate MLPs for the Q functions at time steps 1 and 2. I know that the Bellman Optimality can be shown both for the finite and infinite cases; in the finite case, it does not even need the stationarity of the distributions. But all examples on DQNs I came accross during my research solves problems with the infitine horizon assumption. So I just wanted ask for some insight there.