I want to create a new DataFrame based upon the columns of another DataFrame, for which I would like to do the following:
- Data Retrieval: Take partial strings from column elements from DataFrame1
- Renaming Column Elements: Combine these strings and place into 2 new columns in DataFrame2
An example of the DataFrames can be seen below, where DataFrame1 is my actual data and the DataFrame2 is the type of data frame that I am interested in obtaining:
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'BGC Name': ['Hm106_120.region001', 'MBT13_26.region001',
'MBT23_64.region001', 'MBT36_100.region001'], 'GCF No': [1813, 1813, 1883,
1887], 'Organism': ['Streptomyces sp', 'Streptomyces sp', 'Listeria sp',
'Streptomyces sp'], 'BGC Class': ['PKSI', 'NRPS', 'PSKI', 'NRPS']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'GCF': ['PKSI_GCF1813', 'NRPS_GCF1813', 'PKSI_GCF1883',
'NRPS_GCF1887'],'Genome': ['Streptomyces_sp_Hm106', 'Streptomyces_sp_MBT13',
'Listeria_sp_MBT23', 'Streptomyces_sp_MBT36']})
print("DataFrame1 (Original DataFrame)")
print("DataFrame2 (Desired DataFrame)")
Snapshot can be found: [
The Code That I am trying to use
#Dataframe Copies
df1 = df1.copy() #self copy
df1.columns = df1.columns.str.strip().str.lower().str.replace(' ', '_').str.replace('(', '').str.replace(')', '')
df2 = df1.copy() #copy of original dataframe
#Change Column Names
df1.columns = ['BGC', 'GCF', 'Description', 'Product Prediction', 'BiG-SCAPE class', 'Organism']
df2.columns = ['BGC', 'GCF', 'Description', 'Product Prediction', 'BiG-SCAPE class', 'Organism']
#DataFrame Manipulation
df2['GCF'] = df1['BiG-SCAPE class'].astype(str) + df2['GCF'].astype(str)
df1[['BGC','BGC2']] = df1['BGC'].str.split('_',n=1,expand=True)
df2['Genome'] = df1['Organism'].astype(str) + df1['BGC'].astype(str)
df2 = df2[['GCF','Genome']]
df2['Genome'] = df2['Genome'].str.replace(' ', '_').str.replace('Unclassified','_').str.replace('__','_').str.replace('.','')
print("Updated table")