I am trying to do a simple regression for sequences. Each input $X_i$ is a $n=2000$ by 1 matrix, formatted as $n_i$ 0-s followed by $(n-n_i)$ 1-s. The output $y_i$ should be $n_i/n$, i.e. the proportion of steps with nonzero feature values.
The code for generating the data
ns = [1087, 280, 1013, 300, 311, 260, 960, 281, 417, 311, 102, 251, 748, 428, 802, 512, 61, 80, 1700, 693, 147, 577, 280, 196, 377, 281, 88, 359, 250, 330, 679, 201, 284, 1129, 151, 285, 722, 1014, 153, 202, 256, 99, 661, 415, 134, 269, 196, 137, 436, 617]
Xs = np.array([[[0] for i in range(2000-x)]+[[1] for i in range(x)] for x in ns])
Ys = np.mean(Xs,axis=(1,2))
trainX, testX, trainY, testY = Xs[:45], Xs[45:], Ys[:45], Ys[45:]
I tried to use LSTM and an output layer to do the prediction, i.e.
model = Sequential()
model.add(Masking(mask_value=0.00, input_shape=(trainX.shape[1],trainX.shape[2])))
Yet I found the model fails to predict what I want, instead it predicts every sequence with almost the same $y$ value. Just wondering if there's any solution to solve this?