I have customer call data and I want to get the median and mode for the call success rate for different subgroups.
My variables are: Customer ID, Employment Status (Retired, Employed, Unemployed), count of calls, count of successful calls, call success rate (successful calls/number of calls)
So far I worked in Excel to get the average call reachability. Mode and median are not easy to calculate with Excel, because it can only do it for up to 255 recods I believe. I know that the summary command in R provides you with summary statistics for each variable but what if you want to get the median and mode of each subgroup. Meaning: Median and Mode of call succcess rate for Retired, Employed and Unemployed customers separately? Why I want to calculate the Median and Mode, although I have the average already? Because both are more resistant to outliers. But I am open for discussion if you think it is not necessary :)