I was checking the distribution of the "goal" feature in this 2016 KickStarter data set. I figure goal would be more normally distributed but it wasn't. I checked the Kick Starter website for published statistics. It seems the sampling was random as certain categories appear at the frequency Kick Starter Published but the data didn't meet the required assumptions for a T test. I check the Kaggle site for a summary of the goal data and the distrubtion looks the same but I'm very skeptical. I made a qq plot to check normality but this really can't be right.
What type of distribution is the column 'goal' in this data set? If the distribution should look like this why? Maybe I broke something or put in the wrong code and I wanted to be sure. My gut is telling me to take a serious look at the goal column.
). From there, from the "shape" of the distribution, you can get an idea of how the variable could be distributed. If you need any suggestions on this, then if you could edit this question and include a histogram over the data, that would be amazing. $\endgroup$