I originally came from R, but Python seems to be the more common language these days. Ideally, I would do all my coding in Python as the syntax is easier and I've had more real life experience using it - and switching back and forth is a pain.
Out side of ML type stuff, all of the statistical analysis I've done have been in R - like regressions, time series, ANOVA, logistic regression etc. I have never really done that type of stuff in Python. However, I am trying to create a bunch of code templates for myself, and before I start, I would like to know if Python is deep enough to completely replace R as my language of choice. I eventually do plan on moving more towards ML, and I know Python can do that, and eventually I would imagine I have to go to a more base language like C++.
Anyone know what are the limitations of Python when it comes to statistical analysis or has as link to the pros and cons of using R vs. Python as the main language for statistical analysis?