I'm trying to write a neural network that outputs the quadrant of a rectangle that an arbitrary point lies in. This rectangle has its upper left at {0, 0} and its lower right at {1, 1} (e.g. point {0.25, 0.25} should return 'upper left', and point {0.75, 0.75} should return 'lower right').
I'm confused about the structure of the output layer.
I've seen examples that suggest two nodes with Boolean "isLeft" and "isTop".
I've also seen examples that suggest four nodes with probabilities for UL, UR, LL and LR.
Is one or the other considered the proper structure in this case? Are both approaches valid?
I want to do this exercise as simply as possible, as I work to learn Multi Layer Perceptron. If there is a subtopic I need to focus on, please direct me to it.
Thanks in advance!