There is a two class dataset with 1121 values in total, having 230 from same class and 891 from the other class. The training set is choosen as 230+230=460 from both classes and the test set as the entire 1121 data.
1)Accuracy values are less than 0,50 even some are as low as 0,18 and 0,20. Does this make sense? For a two class outcome, there is more chance for an accurate prediction if I toss a coin. Can there be an accuracy of less than 0.50 for a two class prediction?
2)When both test-train set is choosen from the 460 class balanced rows and k-fold(1:10) is made, the accuracy levels are considerably higher, up to 0,90.
3)Can the difference between the results be because the test set is much larger than the train set?