I have a custom image class (mainly borrowed from examples) that takes in an image of size 3x244x244 for use in a VGG model and returns augmented versions (rotations of 90,180,270 and an Hflip). Previously, I used this class to get one image and return that and the dataloader and everything worked as expected. When I try to output multiple image arrays, I'm not sure what the proper setup should be for use in the batching (I end up with a list of four image arrays) as one batch(?), which needs to be broken out into individual arrays (but it's still in the dataloader loop).
def __init__(self, patch_data,file_count=1,transform=None, target_transform=None):
def __getitem__(self, index):
image = self.patch_data
#Normalize the data to 0,1 from 2^16
image = self.image_normalize(image) #image/65535.0 #image_normalize(image)
output90, output180, output270, outputflip = create_augmented_data(image,flip = 1,rot90=1,rot180=1,rot270=1)
out_data = [output90,output180, output270, outputflip]
sample = {"image": out_data} #, "label": label}
#sample = file_name
return sample
to run the data into the model, I have:
for i, data in enumerate(dataloader_all, 0):
inputs = data['image']#.type(FloatTensor)
outputs = model_vgg16(inputs)
The conv2d sizing complains because it's setup to expect a tensor of 3x244x244, but it is getting a list of multiples of those. Since I'm in that dataloader for loop, I'm unclear on what might be needed to get all 4 arrays in the list to be properly batched into the model. Since this is using the eval mode of the model, I "think" I could gear it to run for each item in the list separately, but it seems that I had something wrong way before altering it that way. Any ideas?