I'm working on a use case where the user will be provided a text box to enter the details of the transaction application.
For Example user might enter the below text and I have to parse the data and accordingly create the transaction. (I took basic example as a startup)
Ex 1 : Transfer $100 from Account 1 into Account 2
Ex 2: Move Money of total 400 dollars into account owned by Mr.xxxx from Acct#
Ex 3: Deposit an amount of five thousand dollars into acct#
For above examples I have to parse and convert into a tabular format like Trx_Type (Deposit or Transfer), Amt, From_Acct#, To_Acct#, Acct_Holder_Name,etc.
I'm trying to look options by doing Named Entity (NER) or Classifier modelling using NLTK in python. Can someone please share ideas from where to start and guide me with a draft way to proceed.
Looking forward for a response. Thanks!