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Interpreting Perplexity, U_mass coherence and Cv score trends for a Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model

I'm running an LDA model through gensim. To my understanding, closer the u_mass coherence score is to zero, higher is the interpretability of the topics that come up. I'm getting the u_mass coherence ...
Sarthak's user avatar
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AI tools/LLM models to analyze excel data

I have a bunch of excel files containing information of employee attendance. I want to use NLP-based search to ask questions like: Which employee has taken most leaves?; What dates witness a high ...
Apoorva's user avatar
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Quantitatively evaluate similarity between two corpus of texts

I want to assess how similar, or different two corpora are, and if the similarity is statistically significant. Something close to a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test in statistics, but for text data. For ...
Pujan Paudel's user avatar
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Document Clustering for given specific clusters in python

How can we classify text in to given specific number of clusters in python? I'm aware that the number of clusters can be specified using some mechanisms like k-means but I need to classify the given ...
lse23's user avatar
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counter vector fit transform cosine similarity memory error

count_matrix = count.fit_transform(off_data3['bag_of_words']) I have count_matrix shape with count_matrix.shape (476147, 482824) ...
slowmonk's user avatar
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