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calculating derivative of bias in backpropagation

Looking at the algorithm in wikipedia, we can implement backpropagation by calculating: $$\delta^{L}=\left(f^{L}\right)'\cdot\nabla_{a^{L}}C$$ (where I treat $\left(f^{L}\right)'$ as an $n\times n$ ...
Ariel Yael's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Vanishing gradient problem

In a neural network, does gradient vanish during a great number epochs as well, rather that only vanishing through different layers?
Domenico Bagnato's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Gradient passthough in PyTorch

I need to quantize the inputs, but the method (bucketize) I need to do so is indifferentiable. I can of course detach the tensor, but then I lose the flow of gradients to earlier weights. I guess ...
user3023715's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Forward pass vs backward pass vs backpropagation

As mentioned in the question, I have some issues understanding what are the differences between those terms. From what I have understood: Forward pass: compute the output of the network given the ...
Mattia Surricchio's user avatar