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2 votes
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Regression dataset with categorical features

I have thought of a regression technique that I want to try on several datasets. I would like these datasets to have the following properties: Be a tabular dataset (no images). Have at least 20k rows,...
David Masip's user avatar
  • 6,106
1 vote
1 answer

Publicly available news APIs/datasets?

In addition to our list of publicly available datasets, I'd like to know if there is any list of publicly available news datasets/crawling APIs. It would be very nice if alongside with a link to the ...
stevec's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Data available from industry operations

I'm going to start my degree thesis and I want to do a fault detector system using machine learning techniques. I need datasets for my thesis but I don't know where I can get that data. I'm looking ...
Juan David's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Where can I find free spatio-temporal dataset for download?

Where can I find free spatio-temporal dataset for download so that I can play with it in R ?
mynameisJEFF's user avatar
28 votes
7 answers

Publicly available social network datasets/APIs

As an extension to our great list of publicly available datasets, I'd like to know if there is any list of publicly available social network datasets/crawling APIs. It would be very nice if alongside ...
Rubens's user avatar
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202 votes
35 answers

Publicly Available Datasets

One of the common problems in data science is gathering data from various sources in a somehow cleaned (semi-structured) format and combining metrics from various sources for making a higher level ...