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7 votes
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How much text is enough to train a good embedding model?

I need to train a word2vec embedding model on Wikipedia articles using Gensim. Eventually, I will use the entire Wikipedia for that but for the moment, I'm doing some experimentation/optimization to ...
Abdulrahman Bres's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Accuracy of Stanford NER

I am performing Named Entity Recognition using Stanford NER. I have successfully trained and tested my model. Now I want to know: 1) What is the general way of measuring accuracy of NER model ?? For ...
Sarmad's user avatar
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Xgboost multiple class predictive performance beats one versus rest

I have an NLP task I'm tackling with xgboost (R implementation). Before describing my doubt I'll give you some background: I have a corpus of documents for which I did topic discovery, using a term ...
Bakaburg's user avatar
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How to balance time/effort with transformations, feature selection, and models efficacy in nlp? [closed]

Edit: Question has been edited for reopening (see comment section for justification) Being to new text analytics, I haven't gotten the hang of navigating a typical workflow given the longer times ...
Josh's user avatar
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Performance Metric for topic extraction when there is no ground truth

I am extracting topics from text using a predefined ontology containing 2690 concepts, wordnet(to expand concept terms with their synsets, and other morphological forms of the same word) and lucene to ...
Swastik Roy's user avatar
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Ordering training text data by length

If I have text data where the length of documents greatly varies and I'd like to use it for training where I use batching, there is a great chance that long strings will be mixed with short strings ...
Badr Jaidi's user avatar