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Weather impact on plant growth

I have a data set that includes the following and am using it to learn more about data science. I have googled a bunch - but can't seem to find any examples on what I am trying to do. I am trying to ...
broccolifarmer's user avatar
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Stabilize Neural network prediction for class probability

I could not carry my question from stackoverflow I ve been trying to fit a neural network for binary setting using library(keras) and I am interested in class ...
iHermes's user avatar
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NN Model accuracy and loss is not changing with the epochs!

I am building a tensorflow model for Heart Disease Prediction data-set. It has a binary outcome (0, 1). Though I am struck with such a low accuracy which is not changing with epochs. ...
Akshat Chaturvedi's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Why can't my neural network learn how to predict the squares of natural numbers?

I want my neural network to learn to predict the square $n+1$ number having $n$ number. I am considering a regression problem. That's what I'm doing: ...
SoH's user avatar
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how to interpret predictions from model?

I'm working on a multi-classification problem - Recognizing flowers. I trained the mode and I achieved accuracy of 0.99. To predict, I did: ...
Jagadeesh Kotra's user avatar
2 votes
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Test data predictions yield random results when making predictions from a saved model

I am classifying aerial imagery that is tiled into 256x256 tiles using Keras and TensorFlow. The model splits the training data (i.e. the 256x256 image tiles making up the study area) into 70% ...
Borealis's user avatar
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14 votes
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How to Predict the future values of time horizon with Keras?

I just built this LSTM neural network with Keras ...
Nbenz's user avatar
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