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Oliver Foster's user avatar
Oliver Foster's user avatar
Oliver Foster
  • Member for 4 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
3 votes

scikit-learn classification report's f1 accuracy?

2 votes

Building a summary string in a Pandas groupby (Possibly cross-tab or pivot-table question)

2 votes

How to improve results in classification problems (SVM, Logistic Regression and MultiNaive Bayes)?

2 votes

Python sklearn model.predict() gives me different results depending on the amount of data

2 votes

why R-square always keep increasing

2 votes

Confusion Matrix vs AUC Confusion with Random Forest

2 votes

Same confusion matrix when changing DecisionTreeClassifier parameters

2 votes

Model to choose with Cross Validation or not?

2 votes

What is the shape of the vector after it passes through the TfidfVecorizer fit_transform() method?

2 votes

SKLEARN GridSearchCV hinting higher accuracy than Pipeline but with same parameters as Pipeline estimators

2 votes

Machine Learning validation data returns 100% accuracy

1 vote

Predicting results of tennis matches based on historical data

1 vote

Can I use survival analysis model to predict probability of an item sold

1 vote

For very simple linear regression can we quantify the prediction accuracy hit between using one hot encoding and simple numerical mapping?

1 vote

How to determine layers structures appropriate for a specific application?

1 vote

Pandas get_dummies() rows dropping after joining back with X

1 vote

Correctness of a ROC Curve

1 vote

Why does reducing the n_estimators in RandomForestClassifier improve accuracy?

1 vote

How can data science teams inside businesses measure costs and efficiency of their technical work?

1 vote

What are the Most Dissimilar MNIST Digits?

1 vote

Is there a RandomForest implementation that handles categorical data without encoding in python?

1 vote

Backpropagation and gradient descent

1 vote

Tree-based algorithms and ordinal features

1 vote

Rolling window features for multiclass classification

1 vote

Does using your test set ultimately burn your data set in case of failure?

1 vote

2-label dataset for 3-label classifier?

1 vote

Equation of a Multi-Layer Perceptron Network

1 vote

Can we use feature selection and dimensionality reduction together?

1 vote

Terminology in machine learning: exogenous features vs external features

1 vote

When should i use fit(x_train) and when should i fit( x_train,y_train)?