Automation engineering student in love with Computer Vision!
I am a researcher/entrepreneur that loves Computer Vision, photography and teaching. Soon, I hope to create a youtube channel with tutorials on Python, Digital Image Processing, Machine Learning and Computer Vision. Check me on GitHub, LinkedIn.
- Artificial Inteligence
- Machine Learning
- Signal Processing
- Photography
- Computer Vision
- Mathematics
- Intern @ Signal Processing Lab in Nupem (Research Center on Mechatronics) - CEFET-RJ
- Developer and Computer Vision Expert @ Juscalculandi
- Estude para o desenvolvimento de uma mão robótica totalmente atuada com sincronização por sinais mioelétricos, CBA 2018
- Evaluation of a new kernel-based classifier in eye pupil detection, ICMLA 2018
On going Researches:
- Facial Landmark Detection Algorithms
- Face Detection Algorithms
- Face Recognition Algorithms
On going Projects:
- JusCalculandi Integrated Production and Management Software
Tech Skills:
- Python
- Matlab
- Ladder, C, Visual Basic, Delphi, Pascal, C# and Java (No longer working with them)
Knowledge Base:
- Signal Processing
- Digital Image Processing
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning
- Data Science
Hoping to Learn:
- Deep Learning Frameworks
- Photography