So I recently finished a mini batches algorithm for a library in building in java(artificial neural network lib). I then followed to train my network for an XOR problem in mini batches size of 2 or 3, for both I got worse accuracy to what I got from making it 1(which is basically just SGD). Now I understand that I need to train it on more epochs but I'm not noticing any speed up in runtime which from what I read should happen. Why is this?
Here is my code(Java)
public void SGD(double[][] inputs,double[][] expected_outputs,int mini_batch_size,int epochs, boolean verbose){
//Set verbose
//Create training set
TrainingSet trainingSet = new TrainingSet(inputs,expected_outputs);
//Loop through Epochs
for(int i = 0; i<epochs;i++){
//Print Progress
print("\rTrained: " + i + "/" + epochs);
//Shuffle training set
//Create the mini batches
TrainingSet.Data[][] mini_batches = createMiniBatches(trainingSet,mini_batch_size);
//Loop through mini batches
for(int j = 0; j<mini_batches.length;j++){
//Print Progress
print("\rTrained: " + epochs + "/" + epochs);
private Pair backprop(double[] inputs, double[] target_outputs){
//Create Expected output column matrix
Matrix EO = Matrix.fromArray(new double[][]{target_outputs});
//Forward Propagate inputs
//Get the Errors which is also the Bias Delta
Matrix[] Errors = calculateError(EO);
//Weight Delta Matrix
Matrix[] dCdW = new Matrix[Errors.length];
//Calculate the Deltas
//Calculating the first Layers Delta
dCdW[0] =,Errors[0]);
//Rest of network
for (int i = 1; i < Errors.length; i++) {
dCdW[i] =[i - 1]), Errors[i]);
return new Pair(dCdW,Errors);