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Questions tagged [java]

Java (not to be confused with JavaScript) is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language designed to be used in conjunction with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). "Java platform" is the name for a computing system that has installed tools for developing and running Java programs. Use this tag for questions referring to Java programming language or Java platform tools.

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Help with Memory Usage Estimation of Java Threads

I am a data science beginner and I am looking for some directions regarding my problem. I hope it is ok if I ask my question here. My data set consists of the overall memory usage of a JVM every 30s ...
Tom's user avatar
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How Can I Implement MOEA/D Algorithm in Java From Pseudocode?

I want to implement MOEA/D algorithm for a spesific population but I could not figure out how to write the java code from the pseudocode. My population size is 50 and the chromosomes shape is like ...
prenses_mahmut's user avatar
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Help Creating a XOR Neural Network in Java?

I have been trying to create a neural network in Java, but it doesn't quite work as intended. I am using a XOR test before I move on to more advanced problems, and it doesn't seem to be learning much....
Mason's user avatar
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Needed: Java library to calculate text readability/complexity

In principle the same as this but for Java (and ideally for multiple languages) (e.g. flesch reading ease, smog index, flesch kincaid grade, coleman liau index, automated readability index, dale chall ...
lordy's user avatar
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When to use deep learning for java as opposed to python

I have been asked to explore options to build deep learning based applications using java, so i happend to browse a website called dl4j ( which has got implemantations of ...
Optimizor's user avatar
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Android: NLP library for date recognition in string

I am currently working on an android app which should make appointments automatically by reading the incoming messages from your mobile phone. I've managed to create a service which monitors the ...
David Buzatu's user avatar
1 vote
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call Python script from JavaEE

i create model using sklearn library and i want to run this model in JavaEE application i have been trying Jython, but it's impossible to import some important library like pandas and numpy, so how I ...
Mapp's user avatar
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5 answers

30 Years Of Excel Test Data

I am a CS intern at an industrial company that has 30 years of excel files that need to be analyzed. Looking at the data, only a fraction of the files need to be looked at and used. After those files ...
Stephen Collins's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does PMML support probability calibration?

As I need to port a decision tree model from Python to Java, I would like to know whether PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language) supports probability calibration.
Javide's user avatar
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SGD vs SGD in mini batches

So I recently finished a mini batches algorithm for a library in building in java(artificial neural network lib). I then followed to train my network for an XOR problem in mini batches size of 2 or 3, ...
Itay Bachar's user avatar
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How to resample non-equidistant timeseries data in java?

I have a lot of movement data from a sensor of an android phone. The sensor-data is not equally spaced. The first column is the timestamp, the second to fourth are the values. I have many of these ...
tim's user avatar
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3 answers

Tell me some things a data scientist/statistician needs to do that can't be done in R/Stata/SAS/SPSS [closed]

Why do I need to learn to program in python or Java and learn data structures? I can't think of a single thing statisticians/data scientists need to do that isn't built in as a package in R/stata.
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4 votes
2 answers

Lightweight execution of Spark MLLib models

I have some training data which I am using to build a Spark MLLib model which is in a Hive database. I am using simple linear regression models and the PySpark API. I have a code set up to train this ...
Tom's user avatar
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12 votes
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Load keras model in Java

What are the requirements to load the trained model by Keras in Java? I checked that DeepLearning4J supports ...
wpazio's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to sort two dimensional array in Java? [closed]

I have a two dimensional double array. I need to sort my based column 1 in descending order. How can I sort my two dimensional array in descending order. Sample data and code are the following: <...
Tajrian Mollick's user avatar
3 votes
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How to calculate TPR and FPR for different threshold values for classification model?

I have built a classification model to predict binary class. I can calculate precision, recall, and F1-Score. Now, I want to generate ROC for better understanding the classification performance of my ...
Bador Uddin's user avatar
8 votes
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How to use SMOTE in Java Weka API?

I am trying to build classification model using Java Weka API. My training dataset have class imbalance problems. For this reason, I want to use SMOTE to reduce class imbalance problem. But, I do not ...
Sagor Ali's user avatar
8 votes
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How do I use a custom stopwords filter in the Java Weka API?

I am using the Java Weka API to build a classification model. I can use the builtin stopwords filter. However, I need to use a custom filter for my problem. I do not know how to use a custom stopwords ...
Radia Karim's user avatar
10 votes
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How do i calculate prediction probability of a class in Java Weka Api?

I am developing a prediction model using Java Weka api. I can predict class for the new instance using the following code: ...
Howa Begum's user avatar
1 vote
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AI that maximizes the storage of rectangular parallelepipeds in a bigger parallelepiped

As you can see in the title, I'm trying to program an AI in Java that would help someone optimize his storage. The user has to enter the size of his storage space (a box, a room, a warehouse etc...) ...
Nawra C's user avatar
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How to migrate R decision tree to Java

I have trained a conditional inference decision tree in R using library party with function ctree and saved the model in an <...
Javide's user avatar
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How does Stanford CRF encode NER string features?

Most features created by the NERFeatureFactory are strings e.g. from usePrev, useNext, ...
maxbeaudoin's user avatar
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modeling binary classification data

I am new to Machine learning. While reading SparkMLLib java code, I found Binary_classification dataset. But I am not able to understand how this data is modeled and if I want to model same type of ...
shiv's user avatar
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Processed data cannot build Naive Bayes Classifier model

Having preprocessed data using weka supervised cfssubseteval forward and backward selection, the decision tree model builds and makes prediction well, but naive Bayes do not recognize the same Arff ...
user9499636's user avatar
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Running Tensorflow MobileNet from Java

I am trying to run Tensorflow for image recognition (classification) in Java (JSE not Android). I am using the code from here, and here. It works for Inceptionv3 models, and for models retrained from ...
James's user avatar
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is it possible to write machine learning algorithm in octave or python for application created in android [closed]

We planned to create an Android app which predicts the present student in class through face detection by camera in the class, my job is to write algorithm for face detection and the problem is I can ...
RISHABH RAI's user avatar
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Custom Writable Serialization in Hadoop [closed]

I have some questions about Custom Writable objects in Hadoop. First of all, the private instance variables of the Writable object have to be Writable? How does Hadoop handle ...
VanBaffo's user avatar
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Can I have a neural network output values >100?

All the samples and articles i have seen are all having outputs of 1 or less. Is there a hidden reason why no one is using NN to produce higher value integers?? My situation is that I want NN to ...
user42046's user avatar
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Is Java or Python a better choice for an application involving data intensive algorithms employing natural language processing?

I am a professional java developer with 9 years of experience. Never worked with Python but, I do not have any restraints learning it. Still I need clarity on a couple of aspects. I hope if anyone ...
Animesh's user avatar
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tensorflow saved model to java [closed]

Hello data scientists (I'm not), I adapted a multi-class-text-classification-cnn from (thanks Jie Zhang) It works ! 90% accuracy ! Now ...
Sébastien Accambray's user avatar
2 votes
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is there any way to plot ROC curves from weka

i am using some algorithms from weka . i was willing to plot some algorithms' roc curve for comparison . Is it possible and how ?
Farshid Rayhan's user avatar
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Is there any way to generate ROC curves from KEEL?

i am using the KEEL gui for my experiments . I want to plot a ROC curve of the results produced by KEEL rather than a just a roc score value .
Farshid Rayhan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Simple Weka classification example in Java gives inconsistent answers

I have the following simple weka code to use a simple decision tree, train it, and then make predictions. ...
user's user avatar
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Building a Tic Tac Toe game which learns by itself

Let's assume we have a huge database gathered which contains winning sequences, which each player played and won. (Both the players are programmed, to obtain random numbers and attempt playing the ...
Nichols's user avatar
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Changing default values of ANNIE resources in GATE from Java code

In GATE, default values for ANNIE are set during initialization, but sometimes based on requirements they have to be changed. My Requirement : I want to extract English sentences without considering ...
Rana's user avatar
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Creating a neural network for predicting next vote in a series of votes

We are working on a project for creating music based on crowd sourcing. People vote for every note until the vote is closed, and then move on to the next vote until the canvas for the music is filled. ...
Kamen Zhekov's user avatar
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What algorithm is used to extract keywords from unstructured texts?

I'm using StanfordNLP (java pakage) for twitter sentiment analysis. I want to extract keywords from the tweets, classify the keywords as positive, negative, or neutral, and use those counts to ...
Dilip Bobby's user avatar
2 votes
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Finding a proper method for an online driving style classification using acceleration data

I am using a smartphone in my car to gather acceleration data (both longitudinal and lateral). Now, I want to classify my data in real-time based on the acceleration force applied through accelerating,...
R. Doe's user avatar
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Scala vs Java if you're NOT going to use Spark?

I'm facing some indecision when choosing how to allocate my scarce learning time for the next few months between Scala and Java. I would like help objectively understanding the practical tradeoffs. ...
Hack-R's user avatar
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anomaly detection alert system

I need to design and implement my 3rd year project which is a real-time alert system for parents to keep their kids safe with their smartphones. My data is time-based and unsupervised, which means I ...
huji1991's user avatar
0 votes
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Why in deep learning or another AI technique python is used rather than other languages? [closed]

I want to know, why python? Instead of C#, Java, C\C++ and so on?
Sashko's user avatar
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How to rank documents using Bag of words approach

I want to cluster the documents I get for Google scholar search using the Bag of words model. I thought of using Java as the language. Assume for the keyword k, Google scholar gives me 50 results. If ...
dave's user avatar
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How to migrate application which has backend running using DLL methods and front end in JAVA to Apache spark? [closed]

I have one Java Client which Reads 4 to 5 GBs of data and uses DLL file in order to process it and give O/P back to the JAVA client. Can anyone tell me if this can be implemented using Apache Spark ...
spt025's user avatar
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GATE with Python [closed]

I am working on named entity recognition project and find GATE very useful. But I couldn't find a Python connector for GATE yet. Is it possible or is there a way to integrate GATE work flows into ...
Sreejithc321's user avatar
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Debugging Neural Network for (Natural Language) Tagging

I've been coding a Neural Network for recognizing and tagging parts of speech in English (written in Java). The code itself has no 'errors' or apparent flaws. Nevertheless, it is not learning -- the ...
Nate Cook3's user avatar
2 votes
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Do I need an Artificial Intelligence API?

I'm wondering if programmers tend to use AI APIs. And if so, what are they like? And where can I find a nice one for Java?
Henrique Nader's user avatar
-2 votes
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getting error:-Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/io/Writable [closed]

I am trying to connect to hive from java but getting error. I searched in google but not got any helpfull solution. I have added all jars also. The code is:- ...
Jaishree Rout's user avatar
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How do I best parse ECOG scores in cancer clinical trial results in java?

I was informed of 5 java NLP libraries. Apache cTAKES™ MetaMap LexEVS ( Apache OpenNLP I also plan to parallelize an NLP ...
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large database operation. check for relatedness between entities

I have one small list of entities, such as: Russia Vladimir Moscow Then I have a massive database of JSON indices. For each entry there are multiple alpha-...
smatthewenglish's user avatar
3 votes
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N - fold cross validation in mahout

Is there a method/class available in Apache Mahout to perform n-fold cross validation? If yes how it can be done?
Sreejithc321's user avatar
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