I have been given the following data:
- 20 example CSV files, each labeled as belonging to one of six fixed classes, say A, B, C, D, E, F.
- Each file has roughly 20000 rows and 10 floating point columns.
- Within each file, the values seem pretty noisy, but the relationships between pairs of columns seem pretty linear (but noisy).
- I have not been given any domain knowledge related to the content of the files, except A) the files are likely experimental measurements, and B) that the order of the records should not have any effect on the classifier; i.e. classification whould be invariant under permuting rows of files.
I have been asked to see if there is a useful way to predict (with, for example, accuracy > 0.8) a class label for a previously unseen file.
At first I thought it was going to be a no-brainer, given the total number of records over all the files. But as I got into it, it seemed more an more like really I had only 20 training examples, and really felt as if I were exhausting them pretty quickly and data dredging.
It feels difficult.
I am wondering if there is a standard aproach in a situation like this.
Thanks for any help!