
Is it possible to work with AWS Sagemaker Studio Notebooks using an IDE such as VSCode or PyCharm/IntelliJ running on my local machine? And if yes, how?

Ideally I'd like to want to connect to the Sagemaker-managed Jupyter kernel from my local IDE, so I can see and edit the notebook in my IDE while execution happens in the kernel on AWS Sagemaker.

I know how to connect to a self-managed Jupyter installation on a remote server like EC2. This is not want I want. I'm looking to connect to a kernel managed by Sagemaker Studio.


2 Answers 2


VSCode supports a client-server architecture where the server is remote and the client is local. The process is to set up a Visual Studio Code Server on AWS and then connect that remote instance to your local VSCode client, step-by-step directions are here.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thanks, this sounds like a great approach, but (as of July 2023) has a severe limitation: You can only install it code server on the "system" instance of Sagemager Studio, not on the (poentially bigger) instances that run the Jupyter notebook kernels. Option B only seems to work on non-Studio instances. (see sofian's comment below the post you linked to and github.com/aws-samples/amazon-sagemaker-codeserver/issues/10 ) So that doesn't really solve the question, unfortunately. $\endgroup$
    – florian
    Commented Jul 24, 2023 at 11:32

The only approach that I have found to work is to use the sagemaker-ssh-helper. This uses AWS SSM + SSH along with VSCode's remote development extension.


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