I am struggling to understand why I am getting such a high loss/val_loss rate on my training. I am training a regression network. I've normalized the input data to range between -1 to 1, and left the output data unaltered, its range is approximately between -100 and 100.
I chose to normalize the input so that I could use tanh as the activation function since it outputs within this range.
The neural network consists of 3 layers.
print "Model definition!"
model = Sequential()
#act = PReLU(init='normal', weights=None)
model.add(Dense(output_dim=400,input_dim=400, init="normal",activation=K.tanh))
#act1 = PReLU(init='normal', weights=None)
model.add(Dense(output_dim=400,input_dim=400, init="normal",activation=K.tanh))
#act2 = PReLU(init='normal', weights=None)
#model.add(Dense(output_dim=400, input_dim=400, init="normal",activation=K.tanh))
model.add(Dense(output_dim=13, input_dim=400, init="normal",activation=act4))
The mapping between the input and output consists of mapping audio samples into MFCC features. The samples are the ones i've normalized to the aforementioned range.
Why am I getting these results?
Am I doing anything that is unclear?
Normalizing the output_range +-1: