
The case is to model if the sequence of events influences the probability of binary target variable. We have for example five different events which occur in time (event: A,B,C,D,E). They can occur in order from 1 to 5. I would like to check if the order of their occurrence influences the target variable.

My first idea was to convert the time of occurrence into numbers from 1 to 5 and then for example use logistic regression.

Do You know any other practices? Any whitepapers and ideas will be helpful.


2 Answers 2


If the order in which the events appears matters, consider using a recurrent neural network. The setup that you propose is invariant to event ordering, whereas in a RNN the events are fed in in sequential order.


If you have a large enough sample size, you can indeed carry this out the way you propose.

For five events, you have 120 ($^5P_5$) possible permutations of the order of events. This allows you to run a logistic regression with 120 dummy independent variables, each of which corresponds to a permutation of your order of events. The F-test of this regression will function as a significance test to see if there is any difference in frequency of your outcome between different orderings of events.

This does require a large sample size, however. A good rule of thumb is at least 20 observations per independent variable in a General Linear Model, so if you have a few thousand samples, we'd expect this model to fit reasonably well.

This does assume you have a relatively small number of events. Five seems manageable, but as your number of events increases, you quickly run into problems as your number of independent variables grows factorially.


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