I'm late but I reproduced the data to see potential relationship/correlation visually. I attempted to plot data of 2 columns using plt.errorbar()
for better understanding as follows:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
# Clean and structure the extracted text into a DataFrame format
data = [
("674-689", 664),
("706-719", 734),
("805-816", 823),
("658-673", 618),
("639-657", 684),
("690-705", 652),
("743-753", 733),
("674-689", 685),
("608-638", 679),
("658-673", 667),
("720-731", 748),
("840-852", 849),
("720-731", 714),
("754-767", 752),
("674-689", 676),
("658-673", 649),
("732-742", 727),
("690-705", 687),
("608-638", 639),
("732-742", 773),
("805-816", 836),
("780-792", 763),
("793-804", 778),
("840-852", 843),
("768-779", 753),
("732-742", 734),
("639-657", 714),
("732-742", 748),
("706-719", 727),
("608-638", 620),
("706-719", 706),
# Create a pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Score_Range", "CVSC100"])
# Extract numeric values from 'Score_Range'
df[['Score_Lower', 'Score_Upper']] = df['Score_Range'].str.split('-', expand=True).astype(float)
# Correcting the error bar calculation by using absolute differences
lower_error = abs(df['CVSC100'] - df['Score_Lower'])
upper_error = abs(df['Score_Upper'] - df['CVSC100'])
# Plotting the error bars and 'CVSC100' values over a single axis
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
# Plotting the error bars by projecting them over a single 'CVSC100' axis
plt.errorbar(df['CVSC100'], df.index, xerr=[lower_error, upper_error], fmt='o', ecolor='red', capsize=5, label='CVSC100 with Error Bars')
# Adding title and labels
plt.title('Projection of CVSC100 Values and Error Bars on the Same Axis')
I attempted to separete and generated new columns for intervals' ends as 'Score_Lower'
and 'Score_Upper'
and tried create frequency table:
# Step 1: Define the bins for CVSC100 based on the Score_Range values
score_bins = []
for score_range in df['Score_Range']:
lower, upper = map(int, score_range.split('-'))
score_bins.append((lower, upper))
# Create the bins for CVSC100 using the score range boundaries
bin_edges = sorted(set([lower for lower, upper in score_bins] + [score_bins[-1][1]]))
# Create the bins for CVSC100
df['CVSC100_Binned'] = pd.cut(df['CVSC100'], bins=bin_edges, right=True, labels=False)
# Step 2: Build Frequency Table (Contingency Table)
frequency_table = pd.crosstab(df['CVSC100_Binned'], df['Score_Range'])
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Plotting heatmap for the frequency table
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
sns.heatmap(frequency_table, annot=True, cmap="YlGnBu", cbar_kws={'label': 'Frequency'}, fmt="d", linewidths=0.5)
# Adding title and labels
plt.title('Heatmap of CVSC100 Frequency Table vs Score Range')
plt.xlabel('Score Range')
plt.ylabel('CVSC100 Binned')
# Show the plot
so I transformed df and plotted frequency table using sns.heatmap()
, where each cell represents the count of occurrences for a particular combination of binned CVSC100
values and Score_Range
I could not comment on heatmap output table