Problem/Main objective/TLDR: Train a classifier, then feed it a random review and get the correspondent predicted review rating (number of stars from 1 to 5) - only 60% accuracy! :(
I have a big dataset with around 48000 tech product reviews (from many different writers and from different products - here this is not so important (?)) and corresponding ratings (1 to 5 stars) I randomly selected some reviews within each class:
1 star: 173 reviews (could not pick 1000 because there were 173)
2 stars: 1000 reviews
3 stars: 1000 reviews
4 stars: 1000 reviews
5 stars: 1000 reviews
Total: 4173 reviews - this data is organized in one file (all_reviews_labeled.txt) in tuple format, one review and rating for line:
(‘review text’, ‘x star’)
(‘review text’, ‘x star’)
(‘review text’, ‘x star’)
(‘review text’, ‘x star’)
My 1st “dummie” aproach was:
Tokenize review text
POS tagging
Get most frequent bigrams that folowing some POS tags rules for most frequent trigrams (I have seen this rules - using this POS patterns in “Automatic Star-rating Generation from Text Reviews” - pag.7 - paper from Chong-U Lim, Pablo Ortiz and Sang-Woo Jun):
for (w1,t1), (w2,t2), (w3,t3) in nltk.trigrams(text):
if (t1 == 'JJ' or t1 == 'JJS' or t1 == 'JJR') and (t2 == 'NN' or t2 == 'NNS'):
bi = unicode(w1 + ' ' + w2).encode('utf-8')
elif (t1 == 'RB' or t1 == 'RBR' or t1 == 'RBS') and (t2 == 'JJ' or t2 == 'JJS' or t2 == 'JJR') and (t3 != 'NN' or t3 != 'NNS'):
bi = unicode(w1 + ' ' + w2).encode('utf-8')
elif (t1 == 'JJ' or t1 == 'JJS' or t1 == 'JJR') and (t2 == 'JJ' or t2 == 'JJS' or t2 == 'JJRS') and (t3 != 'NN' or t3 != 'NNS'):
bi = unicode(w1 + ' ' + w2).encode('utf-8')
elif (t1 == 'NN' or t1 == 'NNS') and (t2 == 'JJ' or t2 == 'JJS' or t2 == 'JJRS') and (t3 != 'NN' or t3 != 'NNS'):
bi = unicode(w1 + ' ' + w2).encode('utf-8')
elif (t1 == 'RB' or t1 == 'RBR' or t1 == 'RBS') and (t2 == 'VB' or t2 == 'VBD' or t2 == 'VBN' or t2 == 'VBG'):
bi = unicode(w1 + ' ' + w2).encode('utf-8')
elif (t1 == 'DT') and (t2 == 'JJ' or t2 == 'JJS' or t2 == 'JJRS'):
bi = unicode(w1 + ' ' + w2).encode('utf-8')
elif (t1 == 'VBZ') and (t2 == 'JJ' or t2 == 'JJS' or t2 == 'JJRS'):
bi = unicode(w1 + ' ' + w2).encode('utf-8')
Extract features (here is where I have more doubts - should I only look for this two features?):
for bigram,freq in word_features:
features['contains(%s)' % unicode(bigram).encode('utf-8')] = True
features["count({})".format(unicode(bigram).encode('utf-8'))] = freq
return features
featuresets = [(review_features(review), rating) for (review, rating) in tuples_labeled_reviews]
Splits the training data into training size and testing size (90% training - 10% testing):
numtrain = int(len(tuples_labeled_reviews) * 90 / 100)
train_set, test_set = featuresets[:numtrain], featuresets[numtrain:]
Train SVMc:
classifier = nltk.classify.SklearnClassifier(LinearSVC())
Evaluate the classifier:
errors = 0
correct = 0
for review, rating in test_set:
tagged_rating = classifier.classify(review)
if tagged_rating == rating:
correct += 1
print "Guess: ", tagged_rating
print "Correct: ", rating
errors += 1
So far I get only 60% accuracy… What can I do to improve my prediction results? Is something before, some text/reviews preprocessing (like removing stopwords/punctuation?) that is missing? Could you suggest me some other approaches? I am still a bit confused if is really a classification problem or a regression one... :/
Please simple explanations, or give me a link to “machine learning for dummies”, or be my mentor, I promise to learn fast! My background in machine learning/language processing/data mining is very light, I have played a couple of times with weka (Java), but now I need to stick with Python (nltk + scikit-learn)!
- Now I am also extracting unigrams as features, unigrams POS-tagged as 'JJ', 'NN','VB' and 'RB'. It improved a little the accuracy to 65%.
- I applied also do stemming and lemmatization in text before POS tagging. It improved the accuracy to +70%.
I have feed the classifier all my reviews, the 48000, split into 90% training and 10% testing and the accuracy was 91%.
Now I have 32000 new reviews (also labeled) and feed them all for testing and the mean accuracy was 62 % ... my confusion matrix is something like this image below (i divided by equal errors of +1/-1 star point, +2/-2, +3/-3 - because it is just an illustration):
What is happening? Why accuracy drops so much at 3 and 5 stars?