I have a huge CSV structured dataset. I'm feeding that dataset to a Keras Sequential Model. My question is, can my Model have number of units greater than the number of input features? At the moment, my features or csv columns are 118 and Model summary is as:
- First layer of model has 256 units with elu activation.
- Second layer 128 with elu activation
- Third layer 64 with elu activation
- Last layer 1 unit with segmoid activation
Now, I'm getting 100% accuracy on both training and testing data, which is surprising to me. For 50 features, the model was giving 94.25% accuracy on training and 95.68% accuracy on testing data. Accuracy can be even 99 or 99.XX% but 100% is something wrong I guess? If it's 100% on test data, it's probably not the overfitting..? Please guide me!