I have a dataset which contains : 94 numeric features + 56 categorical features
I am trying to build a classifier to predict Target (disease/healthy). 2. Rows : 1812 3. Class imbalance ( Majority class(healthy : 1200))
Strategies i tried :
- I tried SMOTE on training data( 80/20 split).
- As number of features are 150 . I wanted to use feature selection . Filter methods (fs) dont work so well on mixed. So i used Wrapper fs algorithm( recursive feature elimination) on the full feature set. Used random forest for rfe().
- I got a subset of 23 features from rfe (all numeric) . Wonder if rfe works with factor variables? or should i use dummy encoding first and then rfe?
- I even tried hybrid feature selection alg. like Genetic algorithm but sensitivity is very low after randomforest (50 % for disease class)
- I am trying to achieve a high sensitivity . I am concentrating on random forest as of now as my base classifier as it works well with mixed datatype.
Issues: my best Cross validated accuracy is 70. Sensitivty : 50 . How can i improve sensitivity for disease class?
Feature selection for mixed data ? I also tried PCA and FAMD for dimensionality reduction, but PC1 explains only 8 % variance. So thats out of the way.
Thank you for your time