I have created and worked on a DataFrame for a project. It looks like the following:
Critics Items Ratings
My DataFrame has 1M+ rows and 8 columns.
I want to create a new DataFrame where the rows are the unique critics, the columns are the unique items, and the individual cells are the rating a critic has given for the particular item. If the critic has not reviewed the item then I want to add an NA over there.
I tried doing the following for the rows:
ratings = pd.DataFrame(f.review_profilename.unique())
For the columns, I saw a lot of answers involving people using
ratings.rename(<individual column names>, axis='columns')
But this doesn't help me since I can't list down all the unique item names.
Edit: I fixed the issues by using pivot tables. I am new to pandas and was not aware of something like this existing. The exact syntax I used was
ratings = f.pivot_table(index = 'critic',columns = 'item', values = 'ratings')