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Questions tagged [amazon-ml]

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CUDA error: "no kernel image is available for execution on the device" - which PyTorch version to use?

I'm running some ML python code on Amazon's EC2 - the machine has a GPU: NVIDIA A10G. The ML code is written using PyTorch. When I run the code I get error: ...
Danijel's user avatar
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Docker File AWS [closed]

I am trying to implement a docker file for Amazon Sagemaker Container,in initial step i am following this link ...
user172500's user avatar
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SageMaker DeepAR access data

Can SageMaker DeepAR algorithm only deal with training data that resides in Amazon S3 buckets?
Osama Dar's user avatar
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Amazon SageMaker input data?

I am exploring Amazon SageMaker as a scalable machine learning solution. My question is; is it required that the training data first be uploaded in Amazon S3?
Osama Dar's user avatar
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Layman's comparison of RMSE

I don't have a maths / stats / data science background and need to evaluate which of the two evaluations below (numerical regression on Amazon Machine Learning) predict more accuracy. Both models use ...
migu's user avatar
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Image Feature Vectors

I have downloaded a dataset from Amazon. Dataset involves feature vectors of images. There are around 1.5 M feature vectors. Dataset consists of 10 characters (...
yusuf's user avatar
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Compressing profiles with a large number of dimensions

I 'think' this is a related question, but not sure how to apply it. I'm trying to build out a very crude recommendation system using Amazon ML, Facebook likes, and historical actions. So lets say we ...
SomeoneLost's user avatar
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Which Amazon EC2 instance for Deep Learning tasks?

I have discovered that Amazon has a dedicated Deep Learning AMI with TensorFlow, Keras etc. preinstalled (not to mention other prebuilt custom AMIs). I tried out this with a typical job on several GPU-...
Hendrik's user avatar
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How is Amazon using Deep Learning in the new Amazon Go?

In the Amazon Go page they claim to use "deep learning". Where is deep learning used in the "Go" service? Is it computer vision or inventory management?
Michael's user avatar
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