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What is Auto-Sklearn Dummy Model?

When I apply AutoSklearn for some datasets I get this error No models better than random - using Dummy Score What does it mean? what is this Dummy Model? How does ...
asmgx's user avatar
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Downloaded Vertex AI automl model , can't convert to h5 file

This question is also on main SO. I saw on meta it's fine to ask on two forums I downloaded from the bucket my VertexAI AutoML, this is how it looks: When I try: ...
AJ AJ's user avatar
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Azure AutoML: decimal numbers in confusion matrix

I have been running Azure AutoML on a binary classification task. When I visualize the performance and the confusion matrix in particular, I observe the following: How can I have decimal numbers in ...
jerorx's user avatar
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Best way to represent a version feature based on percentiles

We're training a binary classifier in AutoML, and one of the features consist of browser versions. Currently these versions are provided "normalized" to the model, according to the ...
Gabriel Ballesteros's user avatar
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AutoML for categorical feature encoding

I have an input dataset with more than 100 variables where around 80% of the variables are categorical in nature. While some variables like gender, country etc can be one-hot encoded but I also have ...
The Great's user avatar
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Automatic detection of ML problem type: Regression or Classification

I am trying to design an algorithm that based on training data automatically detects ML problem type: Regression or Classification. There is no need to say that it is impossible to design such an ...
dokondr's user avatar
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No Recall metric in MLEval library in Python

I am exploring different AutoML libraries in Python. Found MLEval from Alteryx. When I try to use this tutorial, I have an interesting result. I was trying to add ...
Anakin Skywalker's user avatar
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Predict next integer in sequence using ML.NET

Given a lengthy sequence of integers in the range of 0-1 I would like to be able to predict the next likely integer based on the previous sequence. Example dataset: ...
keithl8041's user avatar
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Azure ML / AutoML: problem with univariate time series forecasting

I'm having troubles generating univariate time series forecasts with Azure Automated Machine Learning (I know...). What I'm doing So I have about 5 years worth of monthly observations in a dataframe ...
movingabout's user avatar
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How to train a model to predict if 2 samples refer to the same thing?

I have 2 ddbb with around 60,000 samples each. Both have the same features (same column names) that represent particular things with text or categories (turned into numbers). Each sample in a ddbb is ...
Martin's user avatar
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Azure automl time series forecasting error

I'm using Microsoft Azure automl to try and generate models for time series forecasting but I keep getting an error: ...
YJay's user avatar
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lags and rolling window in Azure AutoML Time series forecasting

I'm following this tutorial to try Machine Learning AutoML Forecasting. In the several parameters we can submit to the AutoML experiment, we have these ones: target_logs; target_rolling_window_size;...
xcsob's user avatar
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Incremental training and Auto Machine Learning for big datasets

I built a NLP sentence classifier, which uses vectors from word embedding as features. Training dataset is big (100k sentences). Every sentence has 930 features. I found the best model using an auto ...
Stefano Fiorucci - anakin87's user avatar
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Auto ML vs Manual ML for a project

I recently was introduced to a AUTO ML library based on genetic programming called tpot. Thanks to @Noah Weber. I have few ...
The Great's user avatar
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Retraining a text classifier with new data that has new labels

I have a text classifier model built on AutoML Natural Language. It currently does a great job classifying text into the set of labels it was trained for. (One of the labels it is trained for is "...
AnandS's user avatar
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Google NLP AutoML

I am doing research for Google NLP AutoML, What methodologies they have used, techniques, models, feature selection, hyper parameter optimization, etc. I could not find any paper on how google built ...
asmgx's user avatar
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